Home / Dog anal gland deodorizing spray 59ml
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop
  • MMQ Dog anal gland deodorizing spray  59ml - MMQ shop

Dog anal gland deodorizing spray 59ml

Mild ingredients, fresh and clean, deodorizing, post-defecation care
Our dog anal gland deodorizing spray contains peppermint extract and tea tree oil. It can prevent anal gland infections. Its use is simple: clean and dry pet's skin; spray the spray directly on the affected area; gently massage until absorbed. And it can help dogs regain vitality and enjoy more active time.
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  • Customer Reviews
    Jordan Harsey

    I gave the pups a bath and used this as directed and I have not noticed any scooting of any kind since. I believe this stuff really works. I was kind of skeptical because the formula is very watery feeling but my dogs seem to be extra excited and feeling comfortable and clean! Works great! No complaints! Seems gentle and effective!

    Sayed Kadiri

    Our dog is a lab/shepard mix who likes to swim a lot in a lake. The lake water seems to irritate his skin, so we try to rinse him off often, but he still chews and scratches. This product helps you just have to keep reapplying it.

    Mayra Hernandez

    This spray works for our dog. One minute she is dragging her butt, and stops after spraying a couple shots of this product


    This is a very simple and easy-to-use spray. I use it daily on my pet after bowel movements and it seems to help my dog avoid gland issues. It does not have any odors and the mist is very small and does not leak nor get the area wet. Great product.


    We have a mini poodle that we rescued about 4 months ago and the the whole time we have had him it has just been one problem after another with his rear end.... Redness, irritation, scooting, licking, etc. Two days of using this spray the redness and irritation was nearly gone and he was SO much more comfortable. Thank God for this product that actually does what it says it will.


    Seems to be working ...my dog isn't scooting as much


    My dog was having a problem constantly licking her butt and it becoming irritated back there. We sprayed this on it everyday and about 1-2 weeks into treatment her butt looks significantly less inflamed and she doesn’t lick there much anymore.

    Russell Jef

    I can't believe how much my dog enjoys it. He has gland issues and loves this stuff. I guess it's like a fresh mouth wash feeling down there. No chasing him around he is all about this spray.


    One of our pups occasionally gets "stinky butt" from her anal glands. This spray cleaner seems to help somewhat in cleaning this are and reducing the odor. Also, our other dog sometimes scoots his butt along the floor. Spraying the area with this product seems to ease the irritation to stop this behavior.


    Please don't think this product will empty your dogs anal glands. It is a great way to make the stop scooting and feeling uncomfortable if you cannot get them expressed in the next few days. But if their glands are full and they can't express themselves it's very important to take them to the vet for an expression. The glands can rupture which happened with a previous dog of ours. So if you use this product a a very small stop gap to make your dog more comfortable that's fine but don't think it means you can just ignore the issue. They will need to expressed by yourself(with proper training) or a vet or vet tech.

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